Root booster pro 3.1.1 (mod premium)

Что делает приложение Root Booster?

Начнем с того, что Root Booster по сути является мобильным приложением, которое позволяет оптимизировать производительность телефона. Имея множество настроек аппаратного и программного обеспечения, вы можете легко настроить свои телефоны. Таким образом можно достичь плавную работу ваших приложений или снизить нагрузку на процессор, чтобы увеличить время автономной работы. И чтобы это произошло, приложение позволяет вам войти в аппаратные настройки, которые включают ЦП, ОЗУ и ОС Android.

Ниже вы можете прочитать про все особенности этого приложения, чтобы принять решение, скачивать ли программу или нет. Но у нас вы можете скачать премиум-версию приложения, которая в официальном магазине стоит реальных денег.

Root Booster увеличивает время работы девайса

Для тех, кто не знает, каждое Android-приложение поставляется с несколькими службами. Зачастую в приложениях есть фоновые службы, даже если вы не откроете приложение. Это может быть полезно в некоторых случаях, но в большинстве случаев это приведет к разрядке аккумулятора.

Root Booster позволит пользователям переводить приложение в спящий режим, что блокирует все сервисы и не позволяет им работать в фоновом режиме. Это предотвратит разрядку аккумулятора этими приложениями на вашем телефоне, а также повлияет на его общую производительность. Не говоря уже о том, что замораживание является более дружественным подходом, который не вызовет каких-либо повреждений ваших приложений или данных, что совершенно безопасно по сравнению с более важным решением — убить службы или даже удалить приложение.

Вы можете использовать опцию Hibernate как на своих рутованных, так и на некорневых устройствах. Тем не менее, с рутированными вы также можете заморозить системные приложения, которые часто недоступны на некорневых устройствах. Однако для принятия правильных решений потребуется определенный уровень знаний о системе, если вы хотите изменить системные приложения.

При замораживании все службы в приложении будут остановлены. Вы можете легко перезапустить их, отключив функцию замораживания.

Настройки процессора

Производительность вашего процессора чрезвычайно важна. Более высокая частота процессора приводят к более плавной и быстрой работе на ваших телефонах. Однако это также потребляет больше энергии от вашей батареи. Не говоря уже о том, что иногда высокая частота процессора не требуется во многих случаях. Следовательно, для определенных приложений лучше иметь подходящую настройку ЦП.

И это именно то, что вы получите с Root Booster. Приложение выполнит глубокие вычисления для вашего приложения, чтобы найти подходящие настройки для определенных приложений. Это позволит оптимизировать производительность вашего телефона при одновременном снижении расхода заряда аккумулятора.

Root Booster — очистка системы

Герой нашего обзора умеет совершать полное сканирование вашей системы, чтобы найти мусорные файлы, от которых нужно избавляться. Эта функция доступна как для рутированных, так и для обычных устройств. Вы можете легко удалить ряд ненужных файлов, дубликаты изображений, ненужными файлами и многое другое. Удалите их все и держите телефон в чистоте.

Дополнительно освободить место на диске можно с помощью функции очистки кэша.

Awesome features

Here you’ll find all the amazing features that the app has to offer:

Hibernate your apps to improve battery life

For those who don’t know, each Android application on your devices come with multiple services. And for most of them, some services will still run in the background even when you don’t open the app. This could be helpful in certain cases, but for most of the time, it would just drain more battery from your phone.

That being said, the app will allow Android users to hibernate the app, which freezes all the services and prevents them from operating in the background. This would prevent these apps from draining the battery power on your phone as well as affecting its overall performance. Not to mention that freezing is a friendlier approach that won’t cause any damages to your apps or data, which is completely safe compared to the more critical solution of killing the services or even uninstall the app.

You can use the Hibernate option on both your rooted or non-root devices. However, with the rooted ones, you’re also allowed to freeze the system apps, which are often untouchable on the non-root devices. However, it would take certain level of knowledge of the system for you to make the right decisions if you want to alter the system apps.

When being freezed, all the services on the app will be stopped. You can easily restart them by disabling the freezing option.

Calculate your CPU for the most stable settings

Your CPU performances are extremely important when it comes to your overall experiences on the Android devices. That being said, higher CPU frequency and clock settings will often result in smoother and faster experiences on your phones. However, this also consumes more power from your battery. Not to mention that sometimes, the high CPU frequency isn’t required in many cases. Hence it’s better to have a suitable CPU setting for certain apps.

And this is exactly what you’ll get with Root Booster. The app will perform in-depth calculations on your app to come up with the suitable settings for certain apps. This would optimize the performances on your phone while reducing the battery consumptions. Hence, you’ll find it much more satisfying when using the app.

Manage your RAM efficiently

In addition, to allow apps to perform better on your system, you’re also required to optimize your RAM spaces. With Root Booster Pro, you can have the different VM heap settings for each application and game. This would ensure that your apps would run smooth and properly. With the suitable settings, there will be no crash that happens when your device is running out of RAM while playing the app.

You’re required to test different settings for your app before Root Booster come up with the suitable settings. So make sure that you’re patient enough to wait for it to finish running. Don’t risk running apps that are not properly configured.

Perform a complete scan on your system to look for trash

In addition, you’re also allowed to perform a complete scan of your Android system to discover trash files that should be getting rid of. This feature is available on both rooted and non-root devices. However, with the later, you won’t be able to scan the system files.

Nonetheless, you can easily remove a number of unnecessary files with thumbnails, repeating images, unwanted files, and more. Delete them all and keep your phone cleaned.

Clean unwanted cache files on your system

Moreover, you can even get deep into the system and make changes to the Cache on different apps. Either delete all the cache on your apps or perform selected cleaning by choosing the specific apps. Reclaim space by deleting unwanted cache files, and keep the necessary ones to make your phone fast and smooth.

Auto backup to prevent any damages

And to prevent any damages to your system while you’re messing with the hardware settings, Android users are allowed to make auto backups on their systems to protect their phones. That being said, every time you run into problems, just pick up your backup and reload it to return your phones to their stable states.

Free to use

Despite all the amazing features, the app is still free for all Android users to enjoy. That being said, you can get it right now from the Google Play Store without having to pay anything.

Have the premium version unlocked with our mod

Moreover, for those who’re interested in having the app completely unlocked, you can check out the pro version of the app on our website. With this, you’ll have all the mentioned features enabled and more. All you need to do is to download and install the Root Booster Pro APK from our website. Follow the given instructions to properly install it.

Root Booster adalah Aplikasi Alat untuk android

unduh versi terbaru dari Root Booster Pro Full Apk Full + Mod untuk android dari revdl dengan tautan langsung

Ada banyak aplikasi yang menghemat baterai atau meningkatkan kinerja, namun Root Booster menggunakan pengaturan yang paling terbukti untuk mencapai hasil terbaik. Anda dapat dengan mudah menerapkan pengaturan ini dengan mode prasetel yang memastikan peningkatan kecepatan, peningkatan baterai atau peningkatan stabilitas.
Unduh di sini: Root Booster

Root booster adalah untuk pengguna root yang membutuhkan lebih banyak kinerja untuk menjalankan aplikasi dengan lancar tanpa jeda atau bagi mereka yang perlu meningkatkan masa pakai baterai yang buruk

Ada banyak aplikasi yang menghemat baterai atau meningkatkan kinerja, namun Root Booster menggunakan pengaturan yang paling terbukti untuk mencapai hasil terbaik. Anda dapat dengan mudah menerapkan pengaturan ini dengan mode prasetel yang memastikan peningkatan kecepatan, peningkatan baterai atau peningkatan stabilitas. Mode-mode ini dicapai dengan menerapkan pengaturan yang sesuai untuk komponen-komponen telepon utama. Berikut adalah beberapa penjelasan untuk apa yang dilakukan Root Booster partikular terhadap CPU, RAM, dan sistem Android OS Anda.

Hibernasi (pengoptimal OS Android)

Setiap aplikasi Android dapat memiliki satu atau beberapa layanan. Mereka berjalan di latar belakang dan biasanya melakukan semacam tugas. Banyak orang berpikir bahwa ketika mereka membunuh aplikasi, itu benar-benar berhenti menguras baterai dan daya komputasi Anda, tetapi itu tidak benar. Aplikasi masih memiliki layanan yang berjalan setelah pembunuhan dan masih menghabiskan daya baterai dan komuter. Di sisi lain, jika Anda hibernasi aplikasi itu menghentikan layanan dan aplikasi tidak menguras baterai dan daya komputasi CPU lagi. Hibernasi adalah cara yang lembut dan efisien untuk menghemat baterai Anda dan meningkatkan kinerja.
Root Booster akan menemukan pengosongan baterai dan aplikasi yang menuntut kinerja tinggi serta secara otomatis melakukan hibernasi.

CPU (kontrol pengatur prosesor)
Gubernur adalah penggerak untuk pengaturan frekuensi CPU. Gubernur memutuskan seberapa cepat dan kapan akan dicapai frekuensi CPU maksimal atau minimal. Pengaturan gubernur yang tepat membuat perangkat Anda lebih hemat baterai, cepat atau bahkan lebih stabil. Namun, memutuskan gubernur mana yang cocok sedikit rumit.
Root Booster dapat memutuskan gubernur mana yang harus Anda gunakan dan secara otomatis menerapkan gubernur yang paling cocok untuk mode yang dipilih.

RAM (manajer memori)
Setiap aplikasi menggunakan tumpukan VM untuk datanya dan bekerja. Alasan utama untuk mengubah ukuran tumpukan VM adalah peningkatan stabilitas. Banyak aplikasi besar membutuhkan sejumlah besar memori (tumpukan VM) untuk pekerjaan mereka. Jika ukuran tumpukan VM lebih kecil dari memori yang diminta, itu menyebabkan aplikasi crash (Kehabisan memori kesalahan). Mengatur ukuran tumpukan adalah tugas yang sulit dan tidak ada manual untuk mengatur kinerja yang lebih baik. Kinerja yang lebih baik hanya dapat dicapai dengan pengujian.
Root boster akan menguji RAM Anda dan mengatur ukuran tumpukan VM Anda untuk stabilitas dan kinerja yang lebih baik.

Catatan: Root Booster dirancang untuk bekerja dengan perangkat yang di-rooting
Penafian: Root Booster terbukti oleh ribuan pengguna dan memiliki sistem cadangan otomatis, tetapi kami tidak memiliki tanggung jawab untuk merusak perangkat Anda.

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Описание Root Booster

Усилитель корня для корневых пользователей, которым требуется более высокая производительность для бесперебойной работы приложений без задержек или для тех, кому необходимо улучшить плохую работу от батареи

Существует множество приложений, которые экономят батареи или повышают производительность, однако Root Booster использует самые проверенные настройки для достижения наилучших результатов. Вы можете легко применить эти настройки с предустановленными режимами, которые обеспечивают ускорение скорости, усиление батареи или повышение стабильности. Эти режимы достигаются путем применения соответствующих настроек к основным компонентам телефона. Ниже приведены некоторые объяснения того, что именно делает Root Booster для вашего процессора, оперативной памяти и системы Android OS.

Гибернация (оптимизатор ОС Android)

Каждое приложение Android может иметь одну или несколько служб. Они работают в фоновом режиме и обычно выполняют какую-то задачу. Многие люди думают, что когда они убивают приложение, он полностью прекращает истощать вашу батарею и вычислительную мощность, но это неверно. У приложения все еще есть службы, которые запускаются после убийства и до сих пор истощают батарею и уровень влажности. С другой стороны, если вы перейдете в спящий режим приложения, остановите его службы, и приложение больше не разряжает аккумулятор и вычислительную мощность процессора. Гибернация — это мягкий и эффективный способ сэкономить аккумулятор и повысить производительность.

Root Booster найдет батареи для слива и производительности, требующие приложений и автоматически спящих.

CPU (управление регулятора процессора)

Регулятор — это регулятор для регулирования частоты процессора. Губернатор решает, насколько быстро и когда будет достигнута максимальная или минимальная частота процессора. Установка подходящего регулятора делает ваше устройство более экономичным, быстрым или даже более стабильным. Однако решить, какой губернатор подходит, немного сложно.

Root Booster может решить, какой регулятор вы должны использовать, и автоматически применяет наиболее подходящий регулятор для выбранного режима.

ОЗУ (диспетчер памяти)

Каждое приложение использует кучу VM для своих данных и работы. Основной причиной изменения размера кучи VM является улучшение стабильности. Для многих больших приложений требуется большой объем памяти (куча VM) для их работы. Если размер кучи VM меньше запрошенной памяти, это приводит к сбою приложения (ошибка вне памяти). Настройка размера кучи — сложная задача, и для повышения производительности нет руководства для настройки. Лучшая производительность может быть достигнута только путем тестирования.

Root boster проверит вашу оперативную память и настроит размер кучи VM для лучшей стабильности и производительности.

Новая версия для не связанных с корневыми пользователями

Системный очиститель

Очищает пустые папки, миниатюры галереи и удаленные утилиты приложений для ускорения

ваше устройство и освободите место для хранения.

зимняя спячка

Спящий режим отключает и зависает приложений, работающих в фоновом режиме, для увеличения срока службы батареи

и очистите устройство.

Очиститель кеша

Каждое приложение создает ненужные файлы, которые используют вашу SD-карту или внутреннее хранилище

пространство. Удаление кеш-файлов одним нажатием, чтобы освободить место, поможет вам восстановить

хранения и оптимизации и ускорения работы вашей системы Android.

Отказ от ответственности: Root Booster подтверждается тысячами пользователей и имеет систему автоматического резервного копирования, но мы не несем ответственности за повреждение вашего устройства.

Как скачать и установить Root Booster APK на компьютере — Windows XP/7/8/10, Mac Os:

  • Вам нужно скачать и установить Андроид эмулятор PC
  • Запустить Андроид эмулятор PC
  • Зайти в Гугл Плей Маркет и выбрать нужное вам приложение для запуска на компьютере

Root Booster Premium 3.1.0 Apk + Mod Android

Free direct download last version Root Booster Premium Apk Android from Rexdl. Root booster is for root users who need more performance to run applications smoothly without lags or for those who need to improve a poor battery life

There are many apps that save battery or increase performance, however Root Booster uses the most proven settings to achive the best results. You can easily apply these settings with preset modes which ensure speed boost, battery boost or stability boost. These modes are achieved by applying appropriate settings to the main phone components. Here are some explanations for what particullary Root Booster does to your CPU, RAM and Android OS system.

Hibernation (Android OS optimizer) Each Android application can have one or multiple services. They run in the background and usually perform some kind of task. Many people think that when they kill an application, it completely stops draining your battery and computing power, but that’s not true. Application still have servicies that are running after killing and still drains battery and comuting power. On the other hand, if you hibernate an application it stop it’s servicies and application does not drain battery and CPU computing power anymore. Hibernation is gently and efficient way to save your battery and increase performance.Root Booster will find battery draining and performance demanding applications and auto hibernates them.

CPU (processor governor control) A governor is a driver for the regulation of CPU frequency. Governor decides how fast and when will be achieved maximal or minimal CPU frequency. Setting apropriate governor makes your device more battery saving, fast or even more stable. However, deciding which governor is suitable is a little bit tricky.Root Booster can decide which governor you should use and automatically applies the most suitable governor for the selected mode.

RAM (memory manager) Each application uses VM heap for it ‘s data and work. The main reason to change the VM heap size is stability improvement. Many big applications need a big amount of memory (VM heap) for their work. If the VM heap size is smaller than the requested memory, it causes an application crash (Out of memory error). Setting heap size is hard task and there is no manual to set up for better performance. Better performance can be only achieved by testing.Root boster will test your RAM and sets up your VM heap size for better stability and performance.

Note: Root Booster is designed to work with rooted devices Disclaimer: Root Booster is proved by thousands of users and have the auto backup system, but we do not have responsibility for damaging your device.


Optimized graphics and cleaned resources for fast load Encrypted all resources All ads and services calls from activity removed Languages: En, Ru

What does it do?

To start with, Root Booster is essentially a mobile app that lets you optimize your phone performances. With plenty of hardware and software customizations being available, you can easily adjust your phones so you can experience smooth executions on your applications or reduce the performances to enhance your battery life.

And to make this happen, the app lets you get inside the hardware settings, which involves the CPU, RAM, and Android OS. With the available customizations, you can change how the hardware responds to certain apps, therefore, cranking up the performance or keep it under controls.

In addition, the app also features useful functions that allow you to optimize the performances on your phone to the max. For the non-root users, the game also comes with many features that you can make uses of. Enjoy a cleaner and more satisfying experience on your Android devices.

Root Booster

Tools Apps

The description of Root Booster

Root booster is for root users who need more performance to run applications smoothly without lags or for those who need to improve a poor battery life

There are many apps that save battery or increase performance, however Root Booster uses the most proven settings to achive the best results. You can easily apply these settings with preset modes which ensure speed boost, battery boost or stability boost. These modes are achieved by applying appropriate settings to the main phone components. Here are some explanations for what particullary Root Booster does to your CPU, RAM and Android OS system.

Hibernation (Android OS optimizer)Each Android application can have one or multiple services. They run in the background and usually perform some kind of task. Many people think that when they kill an application, it completely stops draining your battery and computing power, but that’s not true. Application still have servicies that are running after killing and still drains battery and comuting power. On the other hand, if you hibernate an application it stop it’s servicies and application does not drain battery and CPU computing power anymore. Hibernation is gently and efficient way to save your battery and increase performance. Root Booster will find battery draining and performance demanding applications and auto hibernates them.

CPU (processor governor control) A governor is a driver for the regulation of CPU frequency. Governor decides how fast and when will be achieved maximal or minimal CPU frequency. Setting apropriate governor makes your device more battery saving, fast or even more stable. However, deciding which governor is suitable is a little bit tricky. Root Booster can decide which governor you should use and automatically applies the most suitable governor for the selected mode.

RAM (memory manager)Each application uses VM heap for it ‘s data and work. The main reason to change the VM heap size is stability improvement. Many big applications need a big amount of memory (VM heap) for their work. If the VM heap size is smaller than the requested memory, it causes an application crash (Out of memory error). Setting heap size is hard task and there is no manual to set up for better performance. Better performance can be only achieved by testing. Root boster will test your RAM and sets up your VM heap size for better stability and performance.

New version for non-rooted users

System CleanerCleans empty folders, gallery thumbnails and uninstalled apps trash to speed upyour device and free up your storage.

HibernationHibernation disables and freezes apps running in the background to improve battery lifeand purify your device.

Cache CleanerEach app creates unnecessary files that use your SD card or internal storagespace. Removing cache files by one tap to free up space helps you to reclaimstorage and optimize and speed up your Android system.

Disclaimer: Root Booster is proved by thousands of users and have the auto backup system, but we do not have responsibility for damaging your device.

How to play Root Booster on PC

Download and Install Nox App Player Android Emulator. Click here to download: Download(FREE)

Run Nox App Player Android Emulator and login Google Play Store

Open Google Play Store and search Root Booster Download

Install Root Booster and start it

Well done! Now you can play Root Booster on PC, just like Root Booster for PC version.

DownLoad APK     DownLoad Nox App Player

DownLoad XePlayer

What does it do?

To start with, Root Booster is essentially a mobile app that lets you optimize your phone performances. With plenty of hardware and software customizations being available, you can easily adjust your phones so you can experience smooth executions on your applications or reduce the performances to enhance your battery life.

And to make this happen, the app lets you get inside the hardware settings, which involves the CPU, RAM, and Android OS. With the available customizations, you can change how the hardware responds to certain apps, therefore, cranking up the performance or keep it under controls.

In addition, the app also features useful functions that allow you to optimize the performances on your phone to the max. For the non-root users, the game also comes with many features that you can make uses of. Enjoy a cleaner and more satisfying experience on your Android devices.

Awesome features

Here you’ll find all the amazing features that the app has to offer:

Hibernate your apps to improve battery life

For those who don’t know, each Android application on your devices come with multiple services. And for most of them, some services will still run in the background even when you don’t open the app. This could be helpful in certain cases, but for most of the time, it would just drain more battery from your phone.

That being said, the app will allow Android users to hibernate the app, which freezes all the services and prevents them from operating in the background. This would prevent these apps from draining the battery power on your phone as well as affecting its overall performance. Not to mention that freezing is a friendlier approach that won’t cause any damages to your apps or data, which is completely safe compared to the more critical solution of killing the services or even uninstall the app.

You can use the Hibernate option on both your rooted or non-root devices. However, with the rooted ones, you’re also allowed to freeze the system apps, which are often untouchable on the non-root devices. However, it would take certain level of knowledge of the system for you to make the right decisions if you want to alter the system apps.

When being freezed, all the services on the app will be stopped. You can easily restart them by disabling the freezing option.

Calculate your CPU for the most stable settings

Your CPU performances are extremely important when it comes to your overall experiences on the Android devices. That being said, higher CPU frequency and clock settings will often result in smoother and faster experiences on your phones. However, this also consumes more power from your battery. Not to mention that sometimes, the high CPU frequency isn’t required in many cases. Hence it’s better to have a suitable CPU setting for certain apps.

And this is exactly what you’ll get with Root Booster. The app will perform in-depth calculations on your app to come up with the suitable settings for certain apps. This would optimize the performances on your phone while reducing the battery consumptions. Hence, you’ll find it much more satisfying when using the app.

Manage your RAM efficiently

In addition, to allow apps to perform better on your system, you’re also required to optimize your RAM spaces. With Root Booster Pro, you can have the different VM heap settings for each application and game. This would ensure that your apps would run smooth and properly. With the suitable settings, there will be no crash that happens when your device is running out of RAM while playing the app.

You’re required to test different settings for your app before Root Booster come up with the suitable settings. So make sure that you’re patient enough to wait for it to finish running. Don’t risk running apps that are not properly configured.

Perform a complete scan on your system to look for trash

In addition, you’re also allowed to perform a complete scan of your Android system to discover trash files that should be getting rid of. This feature is available on both rooted and non-root devices. However, with the later, you won’t be able to scan the system files.

Nonetheless, you can easily remove a number of unnecessary files with thumbnails, repeating images, unwanted files, and more. Delete them all and keep your phone cleaned.

Clean unwanted cache files on your system

Moreover, you can even get deep into the system and make changes to the Cache on different apps. Either delete all the cache on your apps or perform selected cleaning by choosing the specific apps. Reclaim space by deleting unwanted cache files, and keep the necessary ones to make your phone fast and smooth.

Auto backup to prevent any damages

And to prevent any damages to your system while you’re messing with the hardware settings, Android users are allowed to make auto backups on their systems to protect their phones. That being said, every time you run into problems, just pick up your backup and reload it to return your phones to their stable states.

Free to use

Despite all the amazing features, the app is still free for all Android users to enjoy. That being said, you can get it right now from the Google Play Store without having to pay anything.

Have the premium version unlocked with our mod

Moreover, for those who’re interested in having the app completely unlocked, you can check out the pro version of the app on our website. With this, you’ll have all the mentioned features enabled and more. All you need to do is to download and install the Root Booster Pro APK from our website. Follow the given instructions to properly install it.

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Root Booster is a Tools App for android
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There are many apps that save battery or increase performance, however Root Booster uses the most proven settings to achive the best results. You can easily apply these settings with preset modes which ensure speed boost, battery boost or stability boost. Download it here: Root Booster

Root booster is for root users who need more performance to run applications smoothly without lags or for those who need to improve a poor battery life

There are many apps that save battery or increase performance, however Root Booster uses the most proven settings to achive the best results. You can easily apply these settings with preset modes which ensure speed boost, battery boost or stability boost. These modes are achieved by applying appropriate settings to the main phone components. Here are some explanations for what particullary Root Booster does to your CPU, RAM and Android OS system.

Hibernation (Android OS optimizer)
Each Android application can have one or multiple services. They run in the background and usually perform some kind of task. Many people think that when they kill an application, it completely stops draining your battery and computing power, but that’s not true. Application still have servicies that are running after killing and still drains battery and comuting power. On the other hand, if you hibernate an application it stop it’s servicies and application does not drain battery and CPU computing power anymore. Hibernation is gently and efficient way to save your battery and increase performance. Root Booster will find battery draining and performance demanding applications and auto hibernates them.

CPU (processor governor control)
A governor is a driver for the regulation of CPU frequency. Governor decides how fast and when will be achieved maximal or minimal CPU frequency. Setting apropriate governor makes your device more battery saving, fast or even more stable. However, deciding which governor is suitable is a little bit tricky.Root Booster can decide which governor you should use and automatically applies the most suitable governor for the selected mode.

RAM (memory manager)
Each application uses VM heap for it ‘s data and work. The main reason to change the VM heap size is stability improvement. Many big applications need a big amount of memory (VM heap) for their work. If the VM heap size is smaller than the requested memory, it causes an application crash (Out of memory error). Setting heap size is hard task and there is no manual to set up for better performance. Better performance can be only achieved by testing.Root boster will test your RAM and sets up your VM heap size for better stability and performance.

Note: Root Booster is designed to work with rooted devices
Disclaimer: Root Booster is proved by thousands of users and have the auto backup system, but we do not have responsibility for damaging your device.

Root Booster

Root Booster

Root Booster

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